Learn how to build in Flutter: Widgets
In a previous article, in which I introduce Flutter, I discussed the importance of widgets in Flutter. Let’s see how it is built in Flutter.
What is a widget?
We can think of widgets as reusable code blocks that describe the appearance of the user interface (UI). They do this based on their state, which, as we will see later, can be static (does not change) or dynamic (changes over time).
A widget can not only be a button, a text, an image … something that we would associate directly with a graphic appearance, but it is also everything that allows defining that appearance, such as the margin of an object or that we can center it in the interface .
Thus, while Image, Text or FlatButton are widgets that allow us to display an image, a text or a button, they are also Padding widgets (that allow us to add space around another widget) or FutureBuilder (that allow us to add an asynchrony pattern) .
Types of Widgets
To know how to build in Flutter, you have to know that there are two types of widgets, StatelessWidgets and StatefulWidgtets.
Stateless Widgets
They are called stateless or static widgets. These are widgets that do not save any type of state, that is, they do not have values that can change. For example, an Image widget that only displays an image on the screen.
As you can see, the declaration of a Stateless widget is done by creating a class (Car) and making it extend from StatelessWidget (extends StatelessWidget). Inside we see that there is a build method that builds the widget (in this case it contains a Container widget that contains another Text widget).
In this case, we declare the Car class and extend it from StatefulWidget. Inside, we define two variables (color and brand), which will be the parameters that we will have to pass to the class when we instantiate it from another point of the application.
In the second part of the code, we are defining the state of the Car class inside which we can see, on the one hand, the speedUp () function, that each time it is called it will increase the value of one of the speed parameter. In addition, this is done within the setState call, with which we modify the state of the class and, at the same time, a new rendering of the widget is executed.
Next you can see the build function, made up of a Container type widget, which in turn contains a Column type widget, which contains two Text type children.
How are widgets structured? The widget tree
We have just seen an example of a widget that contains different nested widgets, following a parent-child structure. This case is quite simple, but as the design of an interface becomes more complicated, this structure has become longer and more complex. This is what is known as a widget tree.
If you have read my previous article on Flutter and have created your first application, you will have seen in the example code (I recommend Visual Studio Code for this) the following block:
In this case, the build method returns a somewhat more complex series of widgets:
- Scaffold: is in charge of implementing the basic structure of the visual template.
- AppBar: displays a bar at the top of the application.
- Center: it is a layout type widget (design), which allows the content to be centered on its parent.
- Column: it is also a layout type widget, which allows a list of widgets to be arranged vertically.
- Text: display text on the screen.
- FloatingActionButton: This widget features an on-screen button.
We have seen the two categories in which we can divide the widgets in Flutter: Stateless and Stateful. The use of each type will depend on its use. In general we can say that, if it does not change, we will use a StatelessWidget and, if it changes, we will use a StatefulWidget.